At Kingsland Primary School today, the pupils have had their first iPad lead session. They are currently studying Thailand and today in particular, looked at the animals that can be found in the rainforest and the camouflage that they might use to keep clear of any predators!
We began our lesson today with a look at the kinds of camouflage that we might find in the rainforest…
We broke off into smaller groups to do some group activities, including using our ‘window’ to get a closer look at the skin textures of the animals, camouflaging 3D model cows along with designing new colour schemes for some outlined 2D animals…
After we have had a recap and a look at these specialist animals, we got our class iPad’s out and opened the app ‘Foldify’. This app allows us to create 3D models of animals, with our own designs of camouflage, from 2D ‘plans’ or ‘nets’ of shapes.
We had lots of fun coming up with colourful new animals that we drew, coloured in and named on the iPad before sending our work to our printer…
…We then collected our work and cut out our designs…
…then we folded up the nets to make our own 3D animals!